During my first forays into having sex with girls I didn’t know what a clitoris actually was. Instead of rubbing my girlfriends clits I rubbed their g-spot mistaking it for their magic buttons. In the end it all worked out because the girls had much more intense orgasms with me rubbing their g-spots over rubbing their clitorises. They all thought I was a God of sex!
I managed to find an HD video of Samantha Saint rubbing her g-spot to orgasm on my favorite porn tube XNXX. Not a big shocker really when you consider they have over a million videos in their archives. What would be more of a shocker would be not finding the video you are after.
XNXX isn’t your normal porn tube. Instead of hosting the videos themselves and making you put up with seeing only what they can fit onto their service, they aggregate the best videos from every tube on the net. This gives you a larger selection and puts all of the hottest videos at the top for easy pickings. It also allows you to watch the hard to find movies that get lost in the shuffle.
All of the pages from categories to daily archives can be sorted by the most popular clips, the latest movies and the longest videos. Some of their videos are over three hours long!
Now go find that Samantha Saint g-spot orgasm video. I bet you can do so in seconds.