Why is it we all think that the worst is never going to happen to us? I’m guilty of this myself and I always thought that when it comes to getting an erection surely I wouldn’t have an issue at all. That was the case up until a few days ago when I words came back to bite me in the ass.
I’d met this younger babe and for whatever reason, she decided to come back to my place for a little action. Here she was laying down on the bed with her tight pussy looking right back at me and you know what I did? I fucking froze that’s what. I couldn’t even get it up and boy was I hating myself for it. Here I had what could be my last great fuck and where is my cock? it must be on fucking holiday because it didn’t help me then.
I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I recalled a few months prior to this that my good old mate was experiencing similar issues. He swore by these things called bluechew pills and if they’re good enough for him I guess they’re good enough for me. It might take a few more weeks or even months to score another fuck, but you know what? at least I’ll be ready for it!