I’ve been watching porn for generations and the progression has been astounding. I remember when it was considered shocking when a girl revealed her breasts in a magazine. Nowadays girls open up so wide you can see their thoughts. There’s absolutely nothing left to the imagination. Everything is just opened up wide and getting filled. I can’t say I like it. I really do prefer when girls were more subtle. I think it was sexier and more erotic. Now it’s just like a butcher looking at a slab of meat.
Right now you can use this discount for 25% off Zishy and see what porn used to be like only done in the quality that’s available today. These girls get to keep some of their clothes on which makes the guys want it off. See what I’m saying? When it’s already off there’s nothing left for a fellow to wish for. Us men are simple creatures, but we do like to be led. We don’t want everything all at once. Tease us a little.