Webcams are helping porn companies like create some really interesting technology for advancing the quality and excitement of porn. With their Live Pornstar Shows you can sit in on a live taping of a porn shoot from start to finish. It is pretty wild and beats actually being there, which I have done a few times.
Now you might be wondering why streaming a live pornstar show is better than actually being there and I will tell you why. Sure there are the ups of being around nude girls, but everybody there looks at you like they are unsure of what you will do. It makes the whole thing kind of scary for both you and the performers. While some shoots are catered with great food many are not and once I got food poisoning!
On top of the food and safety aspect there is the cost. With gas costing as much as it does I paid $30 to get there and back. The same price I could have paid to watch unlimited webcams shows on!
Then there is the porn archive I lost out on because I wasn’t a member of this site. Seriously, you will love your membership and the access to live porn videos as they are shot that it gives you!